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Create and import Credential Definitions


Credential Definitions enable relying parties “verifiers” to differentiate credentials from different issuers.
While everybody can create a credential definition from a driver licence, there is only one organisation (and therefore credential definition) you accept a driver licence from.

Import credential definitions to ensure a credential comes from an issuer you trust.

Create a credential definition to issue credentials other participants (or you-self) can verify in a trusted manner.

Create or import a credential definitions

Menu bar → Credential definition

Attention: Before you can create a new Credential Definition you have to first either create or import a new schema.

Create a new Credential Definition

Step 1: Create or import a new Credential Definition by press the “+” button

Credential definition dashboard

Step 2: Select “New credential definition”

Step 3: Enter a name for the Credential definition (e.g. EmployeeID_Neo)

The name will be written to the ledger and displayed in your Lissi agent.

Step: 4: Add a comment what the purpose of the credential definition is (optional)

Step 5: Decide whether the Credential definition should be “revocable” or “not revocable”

Revocable means that a specific credential issued to a user can be revoced.

Not revocable means that a specific credential issued to a user can not be revoced.

Step 6: Select a picture (.png file) which will later be displayed as a tile in the Agent

Step 7: Select a SCHEMA which is the template for the credential definition.

The credential definition will be based on that schema and have the same attributes as the schema.

Step 8: Click “Create” button

A new Credential Definition will be created and appear as a new picture in the overview.

It could take some time once the Credential is created (30-60 seconds)


Import an existing credential definition

You need to import a credential definition given you want to create a proof request to very a credential issued by a third party.

To import a credential definition click “Credential definition” in the menu bar and then click “Import Schema”.

Step 1: Add a Credential ID and the respective Schema ID

You can look up a specific credential definition on a leger explorer. An example for a credential definition with in the IDunion Network can be find here: This is an specific demo employee credential with the following IDs:
Credential ID: 2SCqNkxA5jCbomz2C4tx1R:3:CL:2143:Employment
Schema ID: 2SCqNkxA5jCbomz2C4tx1R:2:Employment-SAP:1.0

Attention: Please make sure that your agent is connected with the same ledger you would like to import the credential definition from. Otherwise you will get a error message.

Step 2: Add an alias

This is the name of the alias will be displayed in your agent

Step 3: Click the “Select Icon” button and chose a picture (.png file) on your computer

This is the picture of the schema which will be displayed in your agent

Step 4: Click “Search” button

The specific credential definition and all related attributes will be written from the ledger.

Step 5: Click the “Import” button and the credential definition will be created in your agent

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